
The Creatures of Mythologika - Volume 01

Who has not been fascinated by dragons?

Since time immemorial, these fantastic creatures have inspired a deep sense of respect, admiration and even fear in people.

Myths, stories and legends have been handed down from one people to another, from South America to Asia and from northern Europe: since time immemorial, dragons have accompanied the dawn of mankind all over the world. And even today, these incredible creatures animate fantasy novels, films, video games and cartoons.

In this first volume of The Creatures of Mythologika - Dragons, author Alex L. Mainardi explores their origins and their many facets, with illustrations by the Casa Ailus group of artists. From Ryu, the Japanese dragon with a snake-like body, to Long, the dragon of Chinese mythology, to the fearsome Greek nine-headed Hydra, the dragon of the Apocalypse, to Falcor from The Neverending Story and Norbert from Harry Potter.

Whether they have wings or long whiskers that allow them to fly, breathe fire or use their magical powers to help those in need, or simply belong to the animal kingdom like the Komodo dragon, dragons have always been with us.

Getting to know and recognise them in these pages will be an extraordinary adventure.


Coming soon!